Reactive or proactive nature? Is your organisation more reactive than proactive when addressing IT issues? Security fears? Are vulnerable servers, laptops or PCs putting your organisation at risk? Increasing pressure? Are increasing numbers of network devices requiring management and monitoring? Struggling with scaling? Is your organisation's growth demanding large financial investment and commitment to extra IT support staff? Organisational expansion & contraction? Do the IT requirements of your organisation fluctuate with short, mid and long term client contracts? Lack of skill set? Are there areas of expertise your team is not certified or trained to manage?

Scaling your organisation's IT systems and support staff to accommodate growth and increased dependency on mission-critical systems can often present financial and operational challenges. we have developed our Augmented Information Technology to help you address this.. Augmented Information Technology from Lucid Protect allows for the integration of scalable monitoring, backup, compliance and security systems into your organisation while avoiding large capital expenditure and commitment to increasing the number of technical support staff. Lucid Protect can augment your existing IT infrastructure and systems with a bespoke offering of our enterprise grade services. Lucid Protect enables increased effectiveness, efficiency, security and compliance delivered by your organisation's existing IT systems or IT department. Organisations have a wide variety of IT requirements. We can customize a service solution that aligns with your organisation's objectives and fully integrates with your existing IT systems and staff. Work with us to build the right solution for your organisation! "If it ain't broke........... Augment IT!" Contact Turquoise Coast Computers to see how Lucid Protect can augment your business
Call: 0499 380 238